Starlilly Feminine Wellness & BIRTHING SERVICES MINISTRIES
Specializing in Pregnancy, Childbirth & Feminine Wellness Support Services Since 2013
Email us for Womb Consultation or Birth Support
Email: starlillyoffice@gmail.com
Who we Are….
Starlilly Yoni Steam Feminine Wellness & Retreat Spa Ministries is a Ministries who accepts monetary and material donations, dedicated to the improvement of the planet through agriculture, land conservation, healing and wellness. Starlilly’s focus is to educate young women through self-care techniques, eradicate fibroid tumors and other illnesses of the womb through education, training's, products and services.
Starlilly along with other sister businesses have commenced a Women’s Healing Movement, “Healing One Womb at a Time”. We offer certificate training's in Self Care and Practitioner courses for women who desire learning a variety of techniques related to feminine self-care and administering the modality to other women.
We need your help!
By donating to our Ministries you or your organization can assist young women who normally would not be able to afford the cost for healing services, training's or healing products. Thousands of women across the Unites States undergo hysterectomies, domestic violence or suffer some disease or trauma of their wombs yearly and the numbers are rising! Please help us with servicing, and educating women regarding alternative options, Self-Care classes and Practitioner Training's. Although scholarships are offered to students, that is still not enough. With your donations it gives us the ability to afford more vehicles for mobile services, the growth of natural pesticide free herbs, teaching materials, cost to rent classes and training locations, and more. Please support us today by donating $10. $25. $50. $100. $444. $1000. or greater to help this empowering cause!
Need more information regarding services, classes and training's?
We appreciate your reading and thank you for your future donations. Love Offerings are appreciated and accepted!
You may donate via our PayPal account at: starlillyoffice@gmail.com or Cashapp: $NovaBurch
Give Thanks!

Training's and Education
Through training's and education Starlilly Yoni Steam Feminine Wellness & Retreat Spa Ministries is making a significant impact on young women’s lives through what is called the “Herbal Yoni Steam”.
Yoni steaming is a hydro-therapy that delivers herbal steam to the uterus assisting with the dissolution of fibroid tumors and cysts. A seat or 'healing throne’ is used to administer the herbal steam to the client where the skin absorbs the steam as the woman is covered and entraps the steam. Herbal steaming aids in many other feminine disorders such as cervical dysplasia, (cancer of the
cervix), PCOS, (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and other conditions of the womb. This healing modlaity can be traced and verified as to its effectiveness among indigenous regions where women still practice this healing art. Postpartum steaming is also available which supports the return of the uterus, prevents infection and aids in the prevention of postpartum depression.