Starlilly Feminine Wellness & BIRTHING SERVICES MINISTRIES
Specializing in Pregnancy, Childbirth & Feminine Wellness Support Services Since 2013
Email us for Womb Consultation or Birth Support
Email: starlillyoffice@gmail.com

Starlilly is proud to be in alliance and partnerships with the following businesses as we all support, serve and uphold indigenous healing practices within our communities.

The Pyramid Room
Sis Tressica Turner, Owner:
offers Meditation and Energy Healing through Ancient Healing Technology. Using high vibration materials, Sis Tres creates healing tools to enhance your meditation retreats, living & work spaces and offers travel tools to maintain individual balance for the inner Chi and to exude within our world. To contact Sister Tricia for workshop, online classes or individual meditation sessions please contact her office at:

Ubuntu Wellness Academy, Omitola Ogunsina, Founder:
Our "Sister Program & Affiliates", offers Holistic education and information to students who wish to pursue Doula support services and as a career. Online training's are available. For registration details please visit: